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08/19/15 09:24 PM #216    

Nancy Otis (Cusson)

Hi, We wondered where you were...Well get better, and join us for lunch sometime....Nancy

08/19/15 09:38 PM #217    

Joseph Augustyn

Thanks to the committee for organizing such a great reunion. The spirit and camaraderie were apparent everywhere, and we were all blessed to share our mutual pasts with one another yet again. That was special. Good luck and Godspeed to the class of '65. 

08/19/15 10:05 PM #218    

Nancy Otis (Cusson)

Thanks Joe. Glad you had a great time.      


08/21/15 11:06 PM #219    

Nancy Otis (Cusson)

Thanks Dave,  Very much appreciated...


08/24/15 05:13 PM #220    


Karen von Bergen

I can't begin to tell you what the reunion weekend meant to me! To be able to reconnect with so many at once was an opportunity in a lifetime! To those I didn't get to talk with, know that you always have a place in my heart. And to the organizers, such a Herculean feat you accomplished!! Your hard work and dedication to our class is admirable. I remain in your debt with heartfelt gratitude.

12/19/15 08:36 AM #221    


Dave Medeiros


 Christmas fun

Ever wonder where Christmas Carol’s come from. Some have always baffled people.

What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won't come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas?

Here’s some interesting facts on the Twelve Days of Christmas…

From 1558 until 1829, that's 271 years, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. 

Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics.

It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church.  

Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.

 -The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.

-Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.

-Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.

-The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.

-The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.

-The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.

-Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit--Prophesy, Serving, Teaching,  Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.

-The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.

-Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit--Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness,  Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control. 

-The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.

-The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.

-The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.

Merry (Twelve Days of) Christmas Everyone


12/20/15 11:06 AM #222    


Jack (John) Nunes

Thanks. I didn't know that. Have a great Christmas and New Years. 

12/20/15 02:36 PM #223    

David Mesquita

Thanks Dave that was very interesting,  Merry Christmas.

12/21/15 12:54 AM #224    


Ray Ferreira

I never knew that, but it makes perfect sense.


12/22/15 08:38 AM #225    


Maria de Melo (Gulla)

Dear Dave:

Thanks for posting the story behind "The Twelve Days of Christmas." I enjoyed your "Christmas Fun." I love stories behind the story.  It's fascinating how many songs and folk stories are based on real events or hidden speech.  One of my favorite "Christmas Fun" stories is the events behind my favorite Christmas Carol "Silent Night."  I'm sure you know it was written for the guitar since the organ was broken.   I'd read about it a long time ago, but it was really neat when the priest at last year's Midnight Mass told it in place of a homily following the reading of Luke 2.  Merry Christmas to you and your family.  Merry Christmas to all!

12/23/15 10:06 AM #226    


James Casey

Merry Christmas, David! And a Blessed New must be very bored due to the time of year (no boating), mid-term Holiday break, lack of meaningful hobbies and a pyscho-neurological desire to return to your early childhood and nuturing. Were you breast-fed? I am always here to help out an old mate! Call, if need be!  Love ya, Santa Paws!  ♥ JC  (same initials as the guy they named the Christmas Holiday after). I'll tell you all about that story ~ some day! lol

12/29/15 11:56 AM #227    


Maria de Melo (Gulla)

Thoughts during winter break:

So, Question of the day:
Do you think there are more songs about girls pining for a guy or more songs about guys pining for a girl in those 50s, early 60s song?
My husband and I took a road trip to Daytona Beach and along the drive we were listening to the oldies on the radio.  I remember how those songs would break your heart but listening to them as an adult you can't help analyzing the lyrics.  Not a good idea to analyze the lyrics of those love songs.  Take the song, "Sad Movies."  She describes her love and her best friend coming in the movies when" the news of the world started to begin."  Then "in the middle of the color cartoon" when their lips touched, she started to cry.  Kids wouldn't know what the news of the world was and cartoons before a movie is so rare now.  It's hard to believe that the couple wouldn't see the girl.  I had to comment when the song "I want to be Bobby's Girl" was played.  The singer sings about staying home every night hoping that he'd phone but she knows he won't because he has someone else.  I just want to scream out, go out and do something, do your homework, read, etc. etc.  That's when Frank and I started the discussion about boys vs girls pining.  I said they don't have a song about a guy staying home every night (now the girls would text the guy asking to hang out)  My husband pointed out that "Tears on my Pillow" by Anthony and the Imperials and "Track of my Tears" by Smokey Robingson "Diana" by Paul Anka and others are just as pining.  We went back and forth with him saying there are more sappy songs about boys pining for girls.  My sister agrees saying there are more guy groups and male singers.  So, what do you think?  More guys or girls pine away in those teen love songs of our youth?

12/29/15 02:37 PM #228    

Melissa "Trudy" Faria (Medeiros)

Girls for sure..................

12/29/15 11:43 PM #229    


Ray Ferreira

An equal combination of guys and girls   (got to love those oldies)

12/30/15 11:38 AM #230    


Raymond Deterra

Guys can "pine" as well as girls, sometimes, and wish someone would answer the phone (or email). Feelings, whether amorous or merely platonic, can be equally strong either way.  Sometimes one just needs to talk with another.

12/30/15 04:33 PM #231    


Dave Medeiros

"Mrs. Brown ... you've got a lovely daughter .... she doesn't love me now ain't no good to pine "

01/05/16 04:44 PM #232    


Raymond Deterra

Dear Classmates,

To all of you who have been so kind as to think of and pray for my twin Grandchildren, who have been receiving stem cell transplants in MN for the last year for a genetic disease called Hurlers Syndrome, thank you very much. At long last, it appears they may be returning home next week, 12 January.  This will still depend on any glitches that may occur in the next week and on a proposed minor surgery to install a "port" on Grayson so that he can be medicated and have lab draws more easily.  We are all looking forward to their return after a year.  They are now 2 years old and developing toddler skills that I will be ecstatic to see :) Again, thank you for all the prayers and please continue to pray that their little lives will achieve a new sense of normalcy.

Ray DeTerra

01/06/16 09:18 AM #233    

David Mesquita

Good news for the start of a new year!

01/06/16 12:45 PM #234    


Jack (John) Nunes

That's great news.

01/06/16 05:07 PM #235    


Claudia Aguiar (Settele)

Great news Ray. May they continue to heal and flourish. God Bless them and your whole family.


01/06/16 05:25 PM #236    


Maria de Melo (Gulla)

Hello Ray :

Glad to hear your good news and sending you my best wishes for the children and your family in the new year.

01/06/16 07:05 PM #237    


Brenda Lowe (Silva)

Great news for the New Year ....continuing to pray for you and your family.........seding positive thoughts your way <3


01/07/16 07:22 AM #238    

David Harris


Congrats.  God answers prayers

01/07/16 06:16 PM #239    


Karen von Bergen

That's great news! May the coming year bring the best and only good things for you and your family!

01/07/16 08:55 PM #240    

Diane Sulyma (Davignon)



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