Forum: Remembering Special Teachers



Created on: 04/28/11 03:26 PM Views: 3096 Replies: 2
Posted Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:26 AM


Edited 10/14/14 03:56 PM
Posted Wednesday, May 4, 2011 07:36 AM

Hello Rick:

Thank you for mentioning my name in reference to those of us in the teaching profession.  I was touched!

Knowing me as well as you do, you know I'll agree in spirit and in general and then find a detail or two to add my signature phrase:  I see it from a different point of view.  Can't help it, but I do enjoy exploring other ways of phrasing things.  Yes, you are right that teachers are inspired by their own teachers and I'm no exception, but my New Bedford teachers are only part of the picture.  The first teachers to inspire me were nuns in a convent in Brazil.  I still remember my first grade teacher reading a chapter book to us and I wanted to do that my self.  Don't laugh, but up to the age of twelve I wanted to be a nun.  I loved the idea they could teach and not worry about catering to a guy or do housework, I never saw the housework they did.

So imitation is not necessarily how I have approached my career, but inspiration.  I've been inspired by a lot of my peers.  Some of the master teachers I worked with in my full time career and now as a substitute, have been amazing in their creativity, compassion, dedication and most of all enjoying teaching.  Those teachers never seemed to waste energy complaining about the salary, but they filled their time with the joy of the profession.  My own husband, who could have had a career in the private sector, chose education and often had to tell people that kids should have the "better and the best" when people commented that he was over qualified.  Anyway.  to answer the question:  some of our teachers were wonderful role models.  I "googled" Miss Andrade and was amazed to learn how much she did to further Portuguese education in America, not just New Bedford.  Some of our teachers were horrible and it's the way it goes.  I remember one day Mr. De Landis, the principal at Normandin was visiting classes and he posed a quetion to the history class students.  I answered and he told me I was intelligent.  The next day, I saw on the board:  girls who talk llike encyclopedias, should remember reference books are seldon taken out.  I didn't say anything, the boys roared .  So, good role model, or reflecting the times?

Anyway, I love teaching and feel lucky!

My best to you and your family.


Posted Sunday, May 8, 2011 06:39 PM

The Class of '65 produced many educators - 41 listed in the 'Classmates Occupations' section of our website ... just a few 'off the top of my head' :

Ron Barboza, Jim Medeiros, Betty Furness, Marjorie Costa, Amelia Leontire, Don Gamache,  Bill Jenkinson, Stretch Dupres, Photoula Boteseas, Maria De Melo, Patricia Dobyna, Fernando Garcia, Dave Harris, Len Rocha, Jane Riley, Mike Ras, Walter Gouveia, Athena Medeiros, and me

... are you one? Check to see!
Edited 12/04/11 06:35 PM