Forum: Remembering Special Teachers



Created on: 01/03/10 03:02 PM Views: 2111 Replies: 1
Mr. Richard Carreiro
Posted Sunday, January 3, 2010 10:02 AM

I had Mr. Carreiro both at Keith Jr. High for Science and also at NBHS.  He made me want to learn and he challenged me to do better then I thought I could.  In later years, after he had left teaching I would see him at my parents parish ( St John the Baptist) still helping young people better themselves.

RE: Mr. Richard Carreiro
Posted Saturday, May 8, 2010 02:14 PM

I remember Mr. Carriero quite well.  He was very hard on me in US History and actually told me he would see that I wouldn't graduate if I "didn't shape up" (whatever that meant, since I certainly was far from failing the class).  He scared me with that comment and I remember thinking, "Oh, no -- what am I going to tell my parents???".  There are two other vivid memories of him:  he had a Saab and once offered me a ride home, which I did not understand at all, but had a vaguely queasy feeling about... While sitting next to him, I kept wondering if I should have accepted the ride and whether it was appropriate for him to have offered.  We had a very nice conversation (not at all like the threat to see that I didn't graduate) and he dropped me off at Rockdale and Carroll Streets and I walked home to Brownell Avenue from there.  My third memory of him is that he was the lifeguard at Allendale Country Club one summer.  My parents were members (this was in the days when Jews were not allowed to join the Wamsutta Club or the New Bedford Country Club) and I was amazed to see him in a bathing suit patrolling the pool!  So long ago but very clear memories!