June Minutes
Posted Wednesday, July 23, 2014 10:59 AM

New Bedford Alumni Association Minutes of June 26, 2014

Meeting held at New Bedford Public School Administration Building

Meeting started at 6:30

  1. Minutes of May 22, 2014 accepted.

  2. The state approved the NBAA which will be the umbrella under which projects are done.

  3. Updates:

  1. Mike met with Pia Durkin on June 26th and discussed the NBAA, went over bylaws and over officers. They discussed having a fiscal partnership. Pia also said there would be no problem having a wine/cheese event in the auditorium.

  2. Mike met with Mayor Mitchell who also agreed with the wine/cheese event.   They also discussed grant money.

  1. It was decided that having a post office box was a better way to go than a residential address.

  2. Saving and checking accounts were opened with Alan Zexter and Mike Shea as signatories.

  1.  Carmen Sylvia said the class of “44” will be donating $500 to NBAA.

  2. We will pursue other classes to do the same.

  3. It was discussed that we need to get a memo of understanding from the city, written by an attorney, with assurance that money raised will go towards project.

  4. Also needs to be decided who will manage NBAA money after project is finished, and who will make decisions.

  1. Grants were addressed by Lee Blake.

  1. She said lots of money is available because of the age of the building.

  2. She advised that the project should be broken into components with a budget for each component.

  3. Money is available from local, state, regional and federal governments.

  4. We need to get a list of available grants and timelines.

  1. Construction

  1. Mike Josefek will look into doing a feasibility study using his company.

  2. A design is needed to go forward.

  3. The target amount for this project needs to be decided.

  1. Fundraising

  1. We will decide on a date for wine/cheese event

  2. Membership drives

  3. Annual appeals

  4. AHA will advertise

  1. Public Relations

  1. Ask WHALE to come to meetings

  2. Reach out to classes having reunions this year and open the auditorium on their weekend for people to see old building from 10-11 a.m.

  3. Priscilla is looking into a website.

  4. Al Oliveira is sending a sample for a letterhead.

  5. Using public TV.

  6. May be able to use email of the district.

    Next meeting is July 24th  

Submitted by

Cookie Keches