Didn't you love the old TV ads?
Posted Sunday, February 28, 2010 08:31 AM
On the topic of random nostalgia:
Remember the old TV commercials when we were growing up? 
                Recently, another woman and I participated in a regular conversation which turned into a celebration of old ads when the topic of TV advertising came up, and we  hop scotched down the road of our shared experiences remembering classic commercials and  singing jingles of TV ads  from our teen years. By the way, to my amusement, I discovered these ads can be found online.  Join with me now:
                  " I love Bosco... "Rich and chocolaty, I love Osco , Bosco is for me." and I chanted:  "Brush a, brush a brush a...", and she responded, "with the new  Ipana, so good for your teeth."  (yes, we are sane women)
                    Although I never smoked, how could I not bring up the old cigarette ads?
 Salem cigarettes had classy commercials, one of the best showed a boy and girl in the country enjoying the scenery.  The voice over said:  "You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of Salem.  She and I sort of alternated coming up with a long ago ad, some for products which no longer exist. 
                    Oh, I know some people will argue that none of those ads could beat the Super Bowl extravaganzas of today, but factoring in advances in technology, how can anyone forget:
                     See the USA in your Chevrolet, America is asking you to call, Drive the USA in your Chevrolet, America's the greatest land of  All.
                          And then Dinah Shore would blow you a kiss. 
                    Winston tastes good, like a cigarette should.  I sang out:  It seems spooky with our contemporary mind set to recall that the Flintstone characters appeared in a commercial and even Ronald Regan did a cigarette commercial.  However, the  best was Kent's take on Happiness Is:
To a Frenchman it's the Eiffel tower to a Dutchman it's a pretty flower, to a Irishman it's a leprechaun, to a Grecian it's the Parthenon to a Scotchman it's a regiment, to a smoker's its' a Kent.
More taste, great tobacco.
.  To sheriff it's which way they went to a smoker it's a Kent.
New taste of Kent....(la, la, la, la, la at, at)
            Then I asked, "Can't you just hear Frankie Lane"s voice singing out:  Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, though the streams are swollen, keep those doggies rolling..........Rawhide!!!!!!!!!!!   La, la, la, li, la, la...wishing my gal was by my side."
Oops, that's TV theme songs, not commercials, different topic.
              As we started to clean up our lunch things and turned to leave the faculty lunch room, my friend said,  "You know, we were showing our age."  I shook my head, "oh, who cares!  My kids often think I'm crazy when I launch into one of these singing/remembering fests."
So, what was your favorite commercial or TV theme song?????????????