Future Reunion's

Created on: 08/17/10 01:38 PM Views: 2174 Replies: 3
Future Reunion's
Posted Tuesday, August 17, 2010 08:38 AM

Congrat's to the committee for a great 45th, good food, good music and good friends some that took me back to grammar school days.  Hope we are able to keep the website running for future reunion's.  One suggestion, possibly more seating for future events.  As we age, not all classmate or there dates are able to circulate and swap seats as the committee would have liked.  I would hate to have someone not attend future events because they are just not physically able to do so.  

RE: Future Reunion's
Posted Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:52 AM

I think that the lack of seats were due to an overwhelming late booking by classmates.


I heard that some replied that they were coming the day before and I am sure bought tickets at the door.

Hopefully we will not have to wait until the 50th to see each other again.  A yearly or every two years would be great.  This would allow us all to keep in touch and keep the old and new friendships that were renewed and made last weekend.

RE: Future Reunion's
Posted Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:16 AM

My thoughts on future reunions:

How soon and how often can we have them?  I don't want to wait five years.  I know I'm not alone in thinking like this. 

The committee did a super job.  Talking to other people who have attended other reunions, it was wonderful that we had so many additional events other than the big party Saturday evening.  The welcome party, touring the school and the beach party gave classmates extra chances to socialize.  I can't wait to see you all again. 

Edited 08/26/10 05:29 AM
RE: Future Reunion's
Posted Friday, August 27, 2010 08:51 AM

I can just imagine how much work the three day event was, but perhaps a annual get together would be welcomed by the majority.

With enough advance notice it could be held in the summer so out of towners that visit New Bedford can plan around it.

Since your life can turn upside down in a day from what it was yesterday a annual get together might make sense for those of us that want to stay connected.

So if I can help in any way let me know, and once again hats off to our committee